Practice number recognition, counting, matching, sequence, number words, adding, subtracting, multiplying and story problems. Adjust the lessons for various ages and academic levels from Pre-K to 3rd grade.
How Do You Receive Your Product:
Once a download is purchased, you will receive an email with a link to your product.
Hello and Welcome,
Whether you DIY with clip art or you prefer ready to use - WELCOME! Karen’s Kids products are decorated with with band aids, untied shoes, and sticky fingers. Karen’s Kids products are created for teachers and parents by a mom, grandma, and teacher. I hope Karen’s Kids printables and ready-to-use will be as much fun for you to use as they are for me to create. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have about your product.
Karen Frandsen
Karen’s Kids Studio
Copyright ©Karen’s Kids. All rights reserved by the author/illustrator, Karen Frandsen. This product may be used by the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one person, school, organization, or classroom, and/or sharing is prohibited.
USE OF CLIP ART IMAGES: Non-commercial (not for sale) documents created by the purchaser that include Karen’s Kids images may be distributed by the purchaser in an email or google classroom or over the Internet AS LONG AS THE SITE IS PASSWORD PROTECTED.
USE OF PRINTABLE PRODUCTS: Karen’s Kids Ready-to-Use, printable products may be distributed by the purchaser in an email or google classroom or over the Internet AS LONG AS THE SITE IS PASSWORD PROTECTED.
Karen’s Kids images MAY NOT be posted anywhere including, but not limited to, a network, modem, Internet or web page IN THEIR ORIGINAL FORMAT. Any reproduction beyond these expressed limits is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Karen’s Kids Studio.™ Please contact Karen’s Kids company for more information.
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